Monday, May 21, 2007

Hey girls. I'm finally on and what a time I had trying to figure out if I had an account or was creating a new one.

Lu, I am so excited for you and I cant believe you are leaving tomorrow. That is so crazy!! I know God is going to stretch you and do awesome things with you!

SB, I watched you yesterday and even my Dad could tell that you absolutely love where you are right now. I know it is probably hard in the beginning, but I do believe it must be exactly where Christ wants you.

Just to let you know what I am thinking/praying about:
- Servanthood- serving con carino (with love) ;) Lu, I just finished A Voice in the Wind and an Echo in the Darkness and I want to serve (especailly my family- my sister) with a completely unselfish love.
-Trusting God's sovereignty- enough said
-Loving God by obeying him- I know this gets easier the more I do it, but I am so out of sync with his Spirit it is hard to do
- Prayer- all day everyday... it is what changes us.
I love you girls and I am praying for you both now that we are all in very different places and I am excited to see why God has called us to each of these places!

1 comment:

Sarahface said...

Mel - Thanks for the encouragement! Ashley, Gaylyn, and I prayed for you yesterday as we where leaving for the day...when we sat on the grass we left a spot open for you! I know God will bless you, Daniel, and all those at your rock my world! See you tomorrow!