Monday, May 21, 2007

Hey girls. I'm finally on and what a time I had trying to figure out if I had an account or was creating a new one.

Lu, I am so excited for you and I cant believe you are leaving tomorrow. That is so crazy!! I know God is going to stretch you and do awesome things with you!

SB, I watched you yesterday and even my Dad could tell that you absolutely love where you are right now. I know it is probably hard in the beginning, but I do believe it must be exactly where Christ wants you.

Just to let you know what I am thinking/praying about:
- Servanthood- serving con carino (with love) ;) Lu, I just finished A Voice in the Wind and an Echo in the Darkness and I want to serve (especailly my family- my sister) with a completely unselfish love.
-Trusting God's sovereignty- enough said
-Loving God by obeying him- I know this gets easier the more I do it, but I am so out of sync with his Spirit it is hard to do
- Prayer- all day everyday... it is what changes us.
I love you girls and I am praying for you both now that we are all in very different places and I am excited to see why God has called us to each of these places!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Russia in TWO DAYS!

Y'all, do you realize that I'll be leaving for Russia about this time in TWO days? I'm so excited! Here's the list of things that my half-team and I came up with while we were thinking about things to pray for this summer:

Our Siblings' Salvation: Michelle, Libby? Kayla, Heather & Mark
- Boldness and clarity
- divin appointments
-Holy Spirit, being in tune and allowing Him to speak through us, and recognize Him
- surrendering, life, relationships, evangelism
- humility
- ability to have peple say 'No', and not be offended or heartbroken (any more than is possible)
- team unity
- God will bring hearers
- Trust God instead of self
- balance and keeping the Lord a priority
- safety/ travel
- parents
-support!!! esp ME!
- Impacts for a life time & eternally nationally & internationally
- passion that grows
- willingness to be critiqued, stretched, out of comfort areas
- Faith that we're there for a reason
- Raise our expectations
- pray against spiritual warfare!
- communication team & with Russians
- language barriers
- people come to know Christ!

Just a couple of things. If you would just faithfully pray for even 5 of these a day, I would appreciate it.

Love you girls, hope you're well!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I would just like to point out that we are all college graduates!!! Wahoo!!! I can't believe I'm starting a REAL job on Monday, but I'm so psyched about it!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Love, True Love

SO let's talk about marriage and what we think. I went to a wedding on Saturday, and now I've had weddings on the brain. So let's think about this:

a) Marriage is a reflection of God's love, and it is supposed to glorify HIM.
b) marriage is time consuming and takes us away from some ministry.
c) we're called to serve the Lord and make HIm known.

so would it be better for us to remain single and serve him more fully?

I don't know, I want a husband, I want that type of life, but I want to serve the Lord too. I mean I know ultimately if He wants me to be married I will be, I'm just mulling these things around in my head.

responses please...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Thirsty Reflections

Hello girls! So I just got back from the Thirsty Conference and let me just say I was amazed!! God reshowed me how personal yet how big He really is, and I have so many new things I have learned and cool God moments that I will cherish forever. The main thing God taught me was that wherever we go, and whatever ministry we are apart of, IT'S ALL ABOUT HIS KINGDOM! That is such a freeing realization for me, because I am not working for Mount Bethel (although they are paying my salary) I am working for JESUS, and He will never fail me nor the youth He has allowed me to hang out with for the next season in my life. I miss you girls and love you and can't wait to see you again! As always I am ON MY KNEES IN PRAYS FOR YOU, let me if I can pray for anything else specific for you that we haven't discussed already.

GOD IS AMAZING! I hope I can walk away from the conference and keep a KINGDOM MINDSET and show others THE PERSONAL KING! If you remember down the road, please keep me accountable to not stray from this goal. I want it to be my "anchoring mission statement" throughout life, wherever I go, whatever I do. Again, I LOVE YOU GIRLS!!