Sunday, May 20, 2007

Russia in TWO DAYS!

Y'all, do you realize that I'll be leaving for Russia about this time in TWO days? I'm so excited! Here's the list of things that my half-team and I came up with while we were thinking about things to pray for this summer:

Our Siblings' Salvation: Michelle, Libby? Kayla, Heather & Mark
- Boldness and clarity
- divin appointments
-Holy Spirit, being in tune and allowing Him to speak through us, and recognize Him
- surrendering, life, relationships, evangelism
- humility
- ability to have peple say 'No', and not be offended or heartbroken (any more than is possible)
- team unity
- God will bring hearers
- Trust God instead of self
- balance and keeping the Lord a priority
- safety/ travel
- parents
-support!!! esp ME!
- Impacts for a life time & eternally nationally & internationally
- passion that grows
- willingness to be critiqued, stretched, out of comfort areas
- Faith that we're there for a reason
- Raise our expectations
- pray against spiritual warfare!
- communication team & with Russians
- language barriers
- people come to know Christ!

Just a couple of things. If you would just faithfully pray for even 5 of these a day, I would appreciate it.

Love you girls, hope you're well!


Mel said...

I will certainly pray for these things sister and I know God will be faithful to answer in his goodness!

Sarahface said...

Lu...I can't believe you are leaving tomorrow!!!! Where did the time go? I love you so much and will be praying/emailing you while you are there! I pray that while you are there God makes His presence known to you and all those around you...I'm so impressed you are doing this, you are awesome!